Damas Breccia

“Damas Breccia”

Damas Breccia Marble Sachanas

“The Dark Emperador”

Damas Breccia, a compact natural stone known for its staggering solid coal black base, features an intricate mosaic pattern with a natural touch from Mother Earth, creating a captivating aura and ennobles every luxury project that seeks a dramatic look.

This marble presents itself as the ideal slab for creating the illusion of texture perfect for interior and exterior projects in terms of aesthetics and livability including cladding, flooring, kitchen and bathroom worktops, and furniture applications.

In essence, this stone is a style icon.

Petrographic description: 91, 5 % Cc, 8,5 % quartz
Bulk density 2770 Kg/m3
Open Porosity 16 – 17 %
Water Absorption 1,0 %
Flexural Strength 6,7 MPa
Compressive Strength 161 MPa
Abrasion resistance 14cm3 / 50cm3