Thassos Venato

Thassos Venato

“Imperfectly Perfect”

Thassos’s bossom friend and the same timefoe! The strength of the soft gray veining is subtle but enough to make a statement creating a lavish atmosphere and sophisticated aura! If you have no objection to Mother Nature potentially showing up in your ‘pure white’ stone, then Thassos Venato will be the lucrative choice with great demands.

Petrographic description: 95% Do, 4 % Cc, 1 % Kf
Bulk density 2840 Kg/m3
Open Porosity 0,4 %
Water Absorption 0,14 %
Flexural Strength 1,6 MPa
Compressive Strength 118 MPa
Abrasion resistance 21,7 mm